Tuesday, April 16, 2024

3:00 pm
3:40 pm
Harbor G, Level 2
Alternative Pathways
Pre-K to Gray

A Conversation with Common – Career Pathways & the Permission to Dream

DREAMSCAPES is a two+ year national initiative led by Common to amplify and build upon the dreams of our next generation, as well as share stories of the multitude of pathways youth may take to realize their possible futures. With 5.5M youth “disconnected” (neither working nor in school) and over 48,000* justice-involved youth in the U.S., it’s time for a critical refresh of the conventional dialogue about career pathways—one that better incorporates this generation’s reality. Nearly every young person today will have widely varied career journeys marked by getting, losing, and changing jobs and interests multiple times; frequent up-skilling and re-education; and a patchwork of gigs and side jobs. Fostering a young person’s ability to dream big, imagine possible futures, and go forth as creators and life-long learners is how we ensure that this next generation is ready to build the world they hope for, and to thrive within it.