Peter Callstrom


Workforce Development CEO

Peter has led nonprofits for 30+ years. He has led organizations including the San Diego Workforce Partnership (SDWP), Regional Task Force on Homelessness, and Partnerships With Industry-PWI (services to people with disabilities). At PWI, the agency grew tenfold and achieved the best accreditation outcome possible – no recommendations for improvement. The SDWP delivers programs and services to empower job seekers of all ages. With an emphasis on underserved populations, but available to all job seekers, the SDWP and its partners reach tens of thousands annually. The SDWP created the only workforce Income Share Agreement (ISA) fund, an innovative student financing model to access post-secondary skills - students pay back to the fund, creating an ‘evergreen’ fund that empowers future participants. The SDWP utilizes in-depth labor market research and created content for K-14 students and ‘MyNextMove’ – an online experience to inform and inspire students, teachers, and job seekers and the ‘Launch Pad’ with the Cajon Valley Union School District – an innovative in-person experience integrating career exploration with academics. Other SDWP projects: Cybersecurity training, Construction Careers, opportunity youth interventions, Reentry for people involved in the justice system, and much more. SDWP was awarded “WIOA Trailblazer” (of 550 workforce boards). Peter was named “nonprofit CEO of the year” by the San Diego Business Journal and an Aspen Job Quality Fellow.