Linda Jingfang Cai

Linda Jingfang Cai

Former VP of Talent Development, LinkedIn

Linda Jingfang Cai is a business transformation expert and strategic People Executive with over 20 years of experience in organizational transformation.

She currently serves as LinkedIn’s VP of Talent Development. Her main focuses are manager and leadership capabilities in hybrid environment, equitable talent management practices, and an efficient internal talent marketplace that emphasizes career transformation. Prior to LinkedIn, she’s held senior roles in change management, organizational development, and L&D for FSTE 10 and Fortune 300 companies ranging from 30,000 to 280,000 employees.

A bilingual global citizen, Linda has worked and lived on three different continents (China, Southeast Asia, the UK and the US). And she is co-author of the book, “Share: How Organizations Can Thrive in an Age of Networked Knowledge, Power and Relationships.”

Most importantly, she is a passionate champion of a forward-looking, skills-based approach in talent acquisition, talent pipeline and mobility, and leveraging technology for social good.

Linda currently lives in Chicago, Illinois, with her family and enjoys daily reminders from her school-age daughter on how to embrace learning with joy, creativity, and imagination.