Narine Hall

CEO & Co-Founder


Narine Hall, PhD is the Co-Founder and CEO at InSpace, a groundbreaking video collaboration platform rooted in neuroscience that is revolutionizing online learning with human connection through flexible and delightful experiences that empower students and teachers. Created with research and input from 500+ educators, InSpace gives educators and students agency and the freedom to move around the screen and online environment, join side conversations, enter and leave visually-connected breakout rooms at any time, and collaborate effectively with peers, allowing schools to scale their systems of care and learning opportunities. Before InSpace, Narine was a professor of data science and created one of the first undergraduate data science programs in the country. She also started the Machine Learning for All (ML4ALL) movement to democratize machine learning for all and was awarded grants from Google and the National Science Foundation (NSF). She has worked at IBM Watson and Wolfram Research among other places.As a data scientist, Narine is passionate about automating everything, including all her jobs before InSpace, and creating time and space for more important things, like human connection and enriching hands-on experiences through collaboration.