Michael Jensen

Founder, CEO


Michael Bodekaer Jensen is both an EdTech innovator and a multi-disciplinary academic. He is a co-founder and chief executive officer of Labster, the world’s leading platform for virtual labs and science simulations. Labster represents the confluence of Michael’s passion for doing good in the world and his love of game-enhanced learning opportunities. By working tirelessly to transform the science of learning at scale, he is empowering the next generation of scientists to solve important global challenges. In his role as Labster CEO and co-founder, Michael is focused on bridging the gaps between cutting-edge technology, learning sciences, and game design. Through bold ideas and great teamwork, he has built a highly scalable and low-cost educational platform for immersive 3D science learning simulations. His ambition for Labster is to enable equal access to high quality science education for millions of students around the world, regardless of socioeconomic status.