Marisa Murgatroyd


Live Your Message & Xperiencify

Marisa started her career as an artist who was told by her father that she had no marketable skills. She figured out how to build a multi-million dollar business anyway and has shown over 10,000 students how to succeed online — many of whom also felt like they had “no marketable skills”.

As the Founder of Live Your Message & Creator of the Experience Product Masterclass, she's on a mission to reinvent online education around the world so results and engagement become the norm and not the exception.

Marisa has personally sold over $23M in online courses and programs that have student success rates 10-30 times higher than the industry standard. She does this by creating what she calls "experience products" instead of more traditional online courses and information-based products.

An Experience Product is an entirely new framework for creating online courses that combine the most powerful elements of gamification, behavioral design, adult learning psychology, and innovative curriculum design to create an engaging experience that works with the brain’s natural chemistry of motivation to get people “hooked” on taking action and getting results.

Or as she likes to say, "I get people so excited about changing their lives that they stop dreaming and start doing."

Marisa has shared this new approach to product creation at top industry events including Traffic & Conversion Summit, Mindvalley Momentum, Evercoach Summit, LaunchCon and the Conscious Business Network.

Most recently Marisa co-founded Xperiencify, the world’s first fully gamified membership site software, to make her methodology available to more online course creators.

She lives in Topanga Canyon, California with her husband and business partner Murray.