Karthik Krishnan


MentorWorks Education Capital, Inc.

Dr. Karthik Krishnan is the CEO and co-founder of MentorWorks Education Capital, Inc. MentorWorks offers a mutually reinforcing "fund and support" hybrid model combining Income Share Agreement (ISA) education financing with active career enhancement support to funded students. MentorWorks provides students with career development content, mentoring, and connections to employer partners to help launch students towards a lifetime of career success through our Talent Accelerator Platform (TAP). MentorWorks was recently named a finalist for the 2021 EdTech Trendsetters award.

Dr. Krishnan is a tenured Associate Professor of Finance at the D'Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University and works with student startups as an advisor. He has published articles in the student loan space that have been widely cited in the media and by policymakers. Dr. Krishnan holds a bachelor’s in electrical engineering from Delhi University and a Ph.D. in Finance from Boston College.

Dr. Krishnan is a board member at MentorHub, which is a non-profit group supporting youth mentoring and supportive accountability. He has been an angel investor at Launchpad Venture Group, which is one of the largest angel group networks in the New England area.

He has published many academic articles on entrepreneurial finance, education finance, venture capital, angel financing, IPOs, corporate governance, banking, and financial intermediation. His work has been published in top journals in business and he has presented papers at high level academic meetings.