Jim Newhouse

Assistant Director

Region 10 Education Service Center

With 28 years of experience at Region 10 Education Service Center in Texas, Jim Newhouse was able to create and serve in the intersection of education and technology. His deep network within the Texas K-12 education ecosystem spans educators, influencers, and EdTech creators. At Region 10, his team spearheaded numerous initiatives, including developing TEKSbank, the premier item bank utilized by nearly 3 million students statewide, and establishing purchasing cooperatives generating $100's of million in annual sales. Additionally, he created and nurtured a partnership with Eduphoria that propelled it to become the most utilized EdTech suite in Texas. In his early years, he led the development of pivotal tools such as AEIS IT, the assessment analysis tool adopted by over 75% of Texas school districts, and Scan IT, the first local assessment tool enabling teachers to electronically administer and score their own tests.