David Wolber

University of San Francisco

Professor Wolber focuses on empowering artists, designers, kids, women, men, humanity majors, business students-- makers of all types —to add coding to their creative arsenals. He designed and teaches USF’s core CS course, "Computing, Mobile Apps, and the Web", which allows USF students from all majors to learn coding by building apps. Wolber runs the sites DragAndDropCode.com and appinventor.org, and is the author of "Drag and Drop Code with Thunkable", and "App Inventor: Create your own Android Apps", which he co-authored with App Inventor creators Hal Abelson, Ellen Spertus and Liz Looney. His “Course-in-a-Box” teaching materials have been used by teachers world-wide, in the Computational Thinking AP course for US High Schools (mobilecsp.org) and by thousands of first-time coders. Wolber’s work has been funded by the W.M. Keck Foundation and by an NSF grant in collaboration with MIT, Wellesley, Trinity, and UMass-Lowell.