Dacia Toll



Dacia Toll is co-founder and co-CEO of Coursemojo, which has developed a curriculum-aligned, AI-powered teaching assistant that is leading to impressive gains in ELA achievement and teacher satisfaction. Mojo aligns to the texts, questions, and writing assignments from many of the top-rated ELA curricula (HQIM) and creates highly-interactive, differentiated experiences for students (“It’s like the handout is talking to me.”). Mojo provides each student (students with IEPs, advanced students, struggling readers, MLL students with 60+ home languages) with targeted, Socratic, one-on-one and small group support. For teachers, Mojo provides real-time data visibility, trends in student misconception, suggested discussion questions, and grading support. In 1999, Dacia became the founding principal of Amistad Academy in New Haven, CT, which went on to post the greatest achievement gains of any middle school in the state. Dacia then co-founded and co-led Achievement First (AF), which became one of the nation's leading charter school networks with 41 schools across the Northeast and college graduation rates that were five times peer averages. Dacia left Achievement First in July 2021 to launch Coursemojo. Dacia is a founder and current board chair of Relay Graduate School of Education. Dacia received a BA from UNC-Chapel Hill, an MA from Oxford University, and a JD and teaching certification from Yale University.