Charles Brooks

Executive Director - Rebuild Paradise Foundation and COO

After the Fire

Charles Brooks began his work in disaster recovery after the loss of his home and community in the Camp Fire of 2018 in Paradise, CA.  It was seeing the immense need in the community for long term disaster recovery technology, tools and resources following the most destructive wildfire in California history that lead to creation of the Rebuild Paradise Foundation. The Rebuild Paradise Foundation has been recognized as a California Non-Profit of the year in 2020 and has been fortunate to share their experiences with organizations across the west. Now after almost three years of working with a dedicated team to innovate disaster recovery, and with the American West facing an unprecedented climate change driven fire seasons, Charles is expanding his focus to the 11 western states with the non-profit After the Fire. After the Fire is co-lead by CEO Jennifer Gray-Thompson and will focus on delivering resources in pre-fire mitigation, planning and recovery technology, and community to community focused support. Charles is proud to their family just recently returned to their newly rebuilt home in Paradise.