Alejandrina Correa

Product Manager

Alejandrina Correa is a Product Manager at CareerVillage, where she works on leveraging AI to democratize access to career development through a new AI Career Coach. Prior to joining CareerVillage, she was the Head Project Manager at ConsiliumBots, a tech nonprofit committed to helping people make better-informed educational choices. In particular, she led several nationwide projects in partnership with local governments in Latin America and the US to support students and their families in making informed school and college decisions. She has also worked as a researcher with the Inter-American Development Bank and the Princeton Economic Department, analyzing and evaluating the impact of policies aimed at improving the efficiency of educational resources, and at improving the matching between students and schools. Alejandrina's drive to use technology stems from a desire to reduce long-standing gender and social inequalities that are caused by a lack of opportunities, biases, and information gaps. She holds an MPA from Columbia University, and a B.A. in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Chile. Alejandrina lives in New York City, and is originally from Chile.