K12 Program How the Science of Learning Can Drive Impact in Schools

Researchers today know more about the science of learning than ever before. Yet, a gap remains between learning science principles and high-quality teaching and learning. As an education community, how do we marry the very best of learning science to drive greater outcomes to meet the needs of the whole child? In this session, hear from national innovators, education practitioners, tech leaders and resource providers to learn how it can be done.

Moderator: Mike Lamb - Executive Director, Washington DC, Turnaround for Children

Panelists/Participants: Chris Liang-Vergara - Chief of Learning Innovation, LEAP Innovations; Steve Merrill - Chief Content Officer, Edutopia; Dr. Melissa Kim - Deputy Chancellor of Social, Emotional, and Academic Development, DC Public Schools; Dr.  Matthew Peterson - Co-Founder and Chief Research & Development Officer, MIND Research Institute