Innovating the Educational Paradigm for the 5MM

English Learners are the fastest growing population of public school students nationwide: across urban and rural school districts and a wide array of home languages.  We have an extraordinary opportunity to build and strengthen educational and professional development strategies for underserved and under-resourced English learner students and their teachers. Join us as we rethink classrooms to center language as an asset and build educational programs for English Learners that transform and enhance learning for all students.

Moderator: Anurima Bhargava, President at Anthem of Us; Fmr. Chief, Educational Opportunities Section, U.S. Dept. of Justice


Jeremy Cowdrey, CEO Imagine Learning

Patricia Gándara, Research Professor and Co-Director of the Civil Rights Project, UCLA

Gloria Corral, Chief Executive Officer Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE)

Crystal Gonzales, Executive Director, English Learners Success Forum