Hybrid is the New Normal

Minerva Project Vice President of Academic Solutions and Innovation James Genone, GoStudent GmbH CEO Felix Ohswald, CSU Global Former President Pamela Toney, Infinity Learn by Sri Chaitanya President & CEO Ujjwal Singh, and Duke University Associate Provost Noah Pickus at the 2023 ASU+GSV Summit.

During the past year, hybrid learning—which blends traditional in-person instruction with online courses of various kinds—has emerged as one of the strongest trends in higher education. However, simply adding online courses or programs alongside traditional in-person offerings barely scratches the surface of what is possible when it comes to hybrid learning, and can easily lead to fragmented, poor quality learning experiences.

While difficult to implement effectively, hybrid provides a rare opportunity to bring about the kind of change to instructional practices that cautious institutions typically resist. This means that institutions need to focus on educational quality when committing to hybrid transformation, so that their brand and the credentials they provide are perceived as valuable. This is done by matching learning modality to audience and learning objectives.