Has Workforce Learning Become the New R&D? How Corporate Leaders Are Investing in Human Capital

In our fast-paced world, it's natural to ask "how does this affect my job?" If workforce learning is the new research & development strategy for learning, we need innovation. As leaders, though, it can be difficult to stay ahead of workforce upskilling. Diane Bartoli (SVP, EdAdvisory Services, Bright Horizons), Stephen Bailey (CEO of ExecOnline), David Blake (CEO & Founder of Degreed), and Peter Fox (Managing Director, Head O&T Learning, Citibank) discuss obstacles that may get in the way and what we have to gain from overcoming them. Take a front row seat at this panel from the 2023 GSV Leaders Summit moderated by Kat Kennedy, General Partner at Kickstart Fund.

Leaders Summit is a gathering of leaders across the "Pre-K to Gray" learning and skills landscape. In 2023, education innovators met in Nashville, Tennessee for striking conversations about the future of digital learning and workforce skills in a dynamic, rapidly changing global landscape.