Harnessing Data to Redesign K-12 Education and Prepare Students for Postsecondary Success

High school seniors face an uncertain future dominated by continued fears about the coronavirus and widespread economic disaster. Forty percent of incoming college freshmen are likely or highly likely to not attend any four-year college this fall, according to a recent survey, and some students starting their final year of high school are already rethinking what they will do after earning their diploma. It is increasingly important that students prepare for their future careers during their K-12 education. Improved collection of postsecondary outcomes data, the integration of education and workforce data, and the creation of tools for data use and analysis are urgently needed to improve life outcomes for all students.

At the ASU+GSV Summit, education leaders will explain some of the groundbreaking efforts they are overseeing to harness data in ways that can help to create reliable and affordable postsecondary pathways. Chiefs for Change, a bipartisan network of more than 30 diverse state and district education chiefs, will lead a candid conversation about the challenges and obstacles districts currently face in accessing necessary data. Panelists will also discuss possible solutions that would provide education leaders and policymakers access to useful, actionable data.