Cultivating Future Ready Administrators

Cultivating Future Ready Administrators

While implementing Vancouver Public Schools we Learn 1:1 initiative over the last three years, we have delivered thousands of hours of professional development to our classroom teachers. Building administrators were invited to attend the professional development their teachers received during this process, but trainings were developed with classroom teachers in mind; our team did not yet understand the needs of our leaders. As our initiative grew to nearly every building in the district, our team was hit with a critical observation from a building administrator who said "[This] is the first time in my career I am coaching, supervising, leading, and asking my teachers to do something I did not do when I was teaching."  We realized there was a need to support and challenge our instructional leaders in the same ways we were supporting and challenging their staff. With this insight, we created a Future Ready Administrator (FRA) cohort.

Zach Desjarlais, Director of Instructional Technology, Vancouver Public Schools