Center Stage - Reskill Upskill New Skills? Building Tomorrows Skills

There is no question that a significant skills gap exists between our talent market and employers. Employers are not only focused on identifying and attracting the right talent but also ensuring that education and adult training programs equip employees with the critical skills they need to succeed in today's evolving workforce. It’s a complex issue but there are solutions that we can start working on today. In this session, leaders from Guild Education, Opportunity@Work, and Workday will highlight ways employers, education institutions, and workforce thought leaders can come together to create a more efficient and competitive skills-based labor market. Topics discussed will include how we can optimize the relationship between employers, higher-education, and learners; why it’s important to establish consistent, replicable, and scalable ways for employers to engage with prospective employees; and how companies can take advantage of today’s technology and other innovative solutions to build a culture of opportunity and mobility.