AD Is Kindergarten Ready for Kindergarteners

Walter Gilliam (Yale University), Shantel Meek, Janice Jackson (Chicago Public Schools), and Diana Rauner (Start Early) explore A.D. Is Kindergarten Ready for Kindergarteners at the 2021 ASU+GSV Summit.Take a close look at the crucial issue of kindergarten readiness, as a new group of our youngest learners heads to school this fall. Many children have not attended preschool, disproportionately from black, brown, and low-income families, demanding the implementation of equitable practices in helping our most vulnerable populations find their footing in kindergarten. Potential trauma and unaddressed developmental issues will call for immediate attention, and schools will see increased need to build important social-emotional skills. Suspensions, expulsions and special education placements may be more likely, and schools have an obligation to address these proactively and sensitively. Hear from our panel of experts on how schools and educators can work to predict and address these challenges.

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