Dr. Tammy Wyatt serves as the Senior Vice Provost for Student Success at the University of Texas at San Antonio providing cross-campus leadership and fostering partnerships with key stakeholders both internal and external to the university. She advances initiatives supporting enrollment, student success, engagement, and the overall student experience. Dr. Wyatt is instrumental in developing and implementing organizational goals, objectives, strategic plans, and intelligent information system platforms that address the changing needs of the university’s student community. She establishes an ecosystem of support through data-informed programs and initiatives that serve a diverse student body, systematically improving retention and graduation rates, and creating a campus culture that values excellence, accountability, and measurable outcomes. Dr. Wyatt brings over 20 years of experience in higher education, including 15 years in administrative leadership roles. Dr. Wyatt's portfolio includes academic advising, transfer student services, academic support services, career-engaged learning, undergraduate studies, student engagement initiatives, housing and residence life, and educational outreach and pipeline programs. She directs the Office of Student Success Initiatives, which oversees best practices, assessment, and implementation of student success technology platforms across the institution, including the student success centers within UTSA’s academic colleges. Further, she oversees institutional learning innovation efforts and initiatives designed to bridge the faculty and student experience through data-informed curricular design, evidence-based pedagogical strategies, and communities of practice to support equitable student outcomes.