Lee-Berkeley Shaw
Chief Engagement & Partnership Officer
Center for Workforce Inclusion
Lee-Berkeley Shaw has 25 years of strategic partnership development and fundraising experience with a specialty in corporate relations, special events, and coalition building. She strives to strengthen local communities and help individuals live their best lives through creating a culture of philanthropy, collaboration, and success that empowers nonprofit organizations to fulfill their missions with the resources they need to excel. At the Center for Workforce Inclusion, Shaw heads up partner engagement and philanthropic efforts. Supporting that effort, Shaw organizes the Center’s annual workforce Summit which tackles some of the greatest challenges facing our workforce system and programs today. Prior to joining the Center for Workforce Inclusion, Shaw served in leadership roles at national nonprofits in the tech, policy, housing, and healthcare fields, including the Center for Democracy & Technology, the Newseum, the American Cancer Society, and Rebuilding Together, among others. Shaw’s background includes experience managing a national aging-in-place grant for the then-U.S. Administration on Aging as the Director of the Safe and Healthy Homes Initiative for Rebuilding Together, which focused on senior home safety and consumer and skilled trades education in aging-in-place. Shaw holds a BA in Government from the College of William and Mary. She resides in Washington DC and spends her free time traveling and planning her next U2 concert or SCUBA diving trip.