Valerie Bridges


Edgecombe County Pubic Schools

Dr. Valerie Bridges has more than 30 years of experience as a North Carolina educator and school leader. She is currently in her 4th year as Superintendent of Edgecombe County Public Schools in Tarboro, NC. She previously served as Associate and Assistant Superintendent in both Edgecombe and Washington County Schools and in Guilford and Wake County Public Schools as a high school teacher, middle school Assistant Principal, and Elementary Principal.She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accountancy from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Meredith College, teacher certification from St. Augustine’s College, a Master’s degree in School Administration and a Doctorate in Educational Research and Leadership from North Carolina State University.She has served on state and national boards including: North Carolina Virtual Public Schools, Down East Partnership for Children, North Carolina School Superintendents Association, The Innovation Project and Boys & Girls Club. In 2021 she was featured as EdWeek’s Leaders to Learn From. She has been honored with being named the Regional Superintendent of the Year (2021), the 2021 recipient of the Dr. Brad Sneeden Leadership Award, named Distinguished Citizen of the Year for the City of Rocky Mount (2020), and awarded the 2021 North Carolina State University Distinguished Alumnus of the Year for the College of Education.