LaShana Lewis, the founder and CEO of L. M. Lewis Consulting, has over 20 years of experience in business and technology. After experiencing her own issues that ultimately were based in a lack of understanding diversity and inclusion, she knew there was a need. Beyond LaShana’s business experience, she has also participated in and led teams around the US in initiatives to expand diversity and improve the nonprofit landscape. This includes, but isn’t limited to, the St. Louis LGBT Community Center, the LGBTQ Tech and Innovation Summit, Black Pride, Women 2.0., and the St. Louis Equity in Entrepreneurship Collective. She has also served as CTO and IT Leader at various startups and nonprofits across the US.LaShana serves as a role model for diversity in technology, and has met with President Barack Obama's administration as part of the nationwide TechHire Initiative, which encouraged employers to hire and train people with non-traditional tech backgrounds and is now powered by Opportunity@Work, an organization whose mission is to rewire the U.S. labor market so that all individuals Skilled Through Alternative Routes (STARs) can work, learn, and earn to their full potential. In the next decade, Opportunity@Work aims to enable at least one million working adults in America to translate their learning into earning – generating a $20 billion boost in annual earnings. LaShana currently serves as the Chair of STARs Advisory Council with Opportunity@Work.